Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – Nuvisan GmbH


At Nuvisan, we are committed to growing each of our employees together.

We are a family business that thanks to the know-how of its teams, discovers and develops the drugs of tomorrow for pharmaceutical groups, generic manufacturers and biotechs .

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We are not only researching for the best active drug ingredients, but also the best coworkers.

Become part of NUVISAN and grow with us! Apply now for one of our advertised positions - or feel free to apply spontaneously if you think your profile and experience would be a fit.


Apprentice / Students

The period of apprenticeships and studies is an extremely exciting stage of life. At vocational school and university, focal points are set, learning is structured and examinations are taken. But all theory has its limits, namely where practice begins. Going beyond these limits can be extremely exciting and change your perspective.

NUVISAN is strongly committed to train young students, we offer various apprenticeships and internship opportunities every year at our different sites in Germany as well as in France. Take a look at our offers for apprenticeships, dual studies, internships, thesis or student jobs.


At NUVISAN, we give our best every day to develop active pharmaceutical ingredients. No matter where we are and in which position we work - we are all committed to the common cause, the well-being of the patients. But what kind of people are they who devote a large part of their lives to research? Take a look behind our scenes!

Bon entretien
Présentation claire des activités de l’alternant et des attentes du poste. Réponses claires à mes questions.
Applicant feedback from June 20, 2024
angenehmes Gespräch um abzuklären, ob ich menschlich auf die Stelle passe
Ich habe direkt am Ende des Gespräches gesagt bekommen, dass sie gerne den Prozess mit mir weiterführen wollen und ich in Runde 2 der Vorstellungsgespräche (persönliches Kennenlernen) bin, was ich sehr angenehm fand. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass sie daran interessiert waren, wie ich als Person 'ticke' und ob ich von der Persönlichkeit her auf die Stelle passe. Das fand ich sehr erfrischend, v.a. als Berufseinsteiger, da es nicht darum ging, dass ich eventuell eine Software noch nicht benutzt habe o.Ä.
Applicant feedback from June 4, 2024
Very friendly and informative interview
- open and transparent conversation about possibilities in the job and the company with a very good prepared interviewer - a more detailed description of further steps and when an answer can be expected would be desirable
Applicant feedback from June 4, 2024
Nice discussion throughout the interview
We discussed a lot regarding how to interact with clients and project planning. Although I don't have much experience in this field, the interviewers guided me with some hints, which I think was very helpful and it taught me what it might be like when working with clients. Lots of vibrant discussions in chemistry were made, where I could really showcase my knowledge and experience. All in all it was a very pleasant and professional interview. I'm looking forward to the feedback :)
Applicant feedback from May 23, 2024
Les intervenants mettent à l’aise. L’entretien c’est bien passé.
Applicant feedback from May 21, 2024
Entretien Technicien formulation
Un très bon accueil de l'ensemble du personnel. Une visite des labo pourrait être un plus.
Applicant feedback from May 21, 2024
Entretien Alternance Développement Analytique
Entretien qui s'est très bien déroulé avec toutes les explications nécessaires sur l'entreprise et sur le poste.
Applicant feedback from May 21, 2024
Un entretien élaboré et convivial
L'entretien a été agréable, le personnel s'est montré très cordial avec moi. Comparé à d'autres entretiens que j'ai eus dans ma carrière professionnelle, celui ci était très complet avec des intervenants montrant leur intérêt pour ma candidature. Ces intervenants ont posé des questions, non seulement sur mes expériences professionnelles, mais également sur ma vie en dehors du travail. L'entretien m'a permis non seulement de faire valoir ma candidature, mais également de poser des questions pour en apprendre plus sur l'entreprise, le poste présenté et les missions qui y sont liées.
Applicant feedback from May 15, 2024
Super Firma
Ich bin bei Firma Nuvisan sehr zufrieden, verbesserungsvorschlag wäre ab und zu Homeoffice.
Employee feedback from April 16, 2024
Mitarbeiter Bewertung
Arbeitenzeiten Sehr guter Umgang mit Mitarbeiter
Employee feedback from April 13, 2024
Samples from 348 reviews


What we offer to our employees:

Flexible working hours

Training and Development


Family friendly work place

Saving and insurance plans

Health and Wellbeing


At the heart of our company are our more than 1.000 employees, and their expertise in drug research


In Germany and France make us attractive and allow mobility within the company


For more than 40 years, the highly qualified employees of the NUVISAN Group have been conducting analyses and studies on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry



We take our time.

HR Team


HR Team

Neu-Ulm, Grafing & Waltrop

HR Team

Sophia Antipolis